The turnout at the exhibition was good and well targeted. Despite prevailing security concerns & over stressed economical conditions of the country it was good to see people coming out with enthusiasm. AppleWood displayed a range of FingerTec products, however FingerTec Face ID 3 emerged as the show winner followed by the voice-guided simple access control terminal, FingerTec H2i.
Demonstration sessions have already been scheduled with our visitors from corporate sectors as well as Government sectors who were interested in implementing our systems.
Drawing from the success of this first Instersafe show in Pakistan, we look forward for a positive response for events in the near future, in the meantime doing our best to promote the FingerTec brand in the region as much as we could. Here in AppleWood, our goal is to see the term ‘biometric devices’ be replaced with ‘FingerTec devices”, and with AppleWood’s excellent range and services, we are confident that we will be reaching it sometime soon. |