Concerned over the increasing crime rate the world over, various measures are being taken by individuals and authorities to heighten the sense of security. According to the recent FBI statistics, thousands of children become victims of crimes through various methods such as kidnappings, violent attacks, sexual abuse, or online predators. School shootings is another form of violence that has been inflicting schools around the world and the more recent incident happened last year in Viljandi, Estonia where a 15-year-old boy killed his teacher with a gun in Paalalinna school. Reacting to the demand to improve the safety of school children in Lithuania, FingerTec’s reseller, SS Solutions has designed a system named as Saugi Mokykla (SAMO) which means in Lithuanian Safe School System to tackle the safety loopholes that could exist in a school environment. SAMO consists of 3 components, which are, the verification terminal, the barrier gate and the software. For this solution, SS Solutions incorporated Kadex, R2 and m-Kadex to be installed on turnstile barriers as physical protection to limit access to only staff and students who are enrolled into the system into the school. To integrate the system with FingerTec’s hardware and the turnstile, SS Solution utilized FingerTec BioBridge Software Development Kit provided by FingerTec and developed their own web-based solution fully integrated into an electronic diary software unique for the school. |