Fingerprint | Card Access Control And Time Attendance Solutions : FingerTec Worldwide
Global News (Asia) 
   Malaysia | 05/07/2016
MARDI Sabah Tighten Its Security with FingerTec Biometrics
Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute, MARDI is a statutory body which has been mandated to conduct research in agriculture, food and agro-based industries in Malaysia.

MARDI’s Lab in Sabah is a branch out of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (MOA), Malaysia; a facility dedicated to R&D efforts revolving around agriculture, agritourism, livestock, food security and etc. With their on-going valuable research, MARDI holds many important materials and documents. Hence they require a reliable security system to ensure that only people with required clearance are allowed within the building particularly at sensitive areas.

AMTC System Sdn Bhd. FingerTec’s esteemed reseller for more than 10 years in Sabah had proposed MARDI Lab to install FingerTec biometrics solution for a tight security measure. MARDI adapts FingerTec’s latest fingerprint access control model R3 in combination with R2c for entries and exits of their offices and lab facilities. By having biometrics access control on both exit and entry points, nobody without appropriate credentials can access and leave the premises. Fingerprint is uniquely the owner’s and it’s not exchangeable like card system could. Each access activity at the machines will be recorded and saved in the management software Ingress, leaving the company with confidence that no unauthorized personnel can enter their restricted places.

FingerTec biometrics solutions such as R3 is utilizing fingerprint-matching technology that compares the live fingerprint minutiae points with the recorded minutiae points via high tech algorithm. Studies proven that no two fingerprints are similar, and FingerTec machines have very low and negligible FRR (False Rejection Rate) and FAR (False Acceptance Rate), providing users with a very reliable solution for door access control.

Overall MARDI is pleased with this cost savvy package that offers complete biometrics coverage plus its complimentary processing software Ingress. Data that has been captured and stored through FingerTec R3 is centralized in Ingress, which enables MARDI to not only collect but also manage, import/export data easily. This is another successful FingerTec installation for AMTC System in the land below the wind.

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