FingerTec Cloud Center - Embracing Cloud for Data Storage
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F I N G E R T E C   N E W S
Watch and Learn about TimeTec

No matter the size of a company, managing staff attendance and scheduling can be a very tedious ordeal. Consider the number of staff, the different branches in different locations, the mobile workers, the flexible hours employees.

TimeTec Strives to Strengthen Scheduling

Scheduling is vital for every business to meet business demands at low cost and high productivity, in short to match business demand with available employees. However, the complexities in scheduling due to its dynamic variables, which includes time, resources and skills.

How IngressVMS Could Benefit a Company

Security risks for offices and facilities come from internal and external threats. But while internal threats, such as a disgruntled employee, are more easily monitored and predicted, dealing with external threats require more vigilance and diligence.

Abridged Version of Ingress

Ingress is FingerTec’s software for door access system being used by thousands of customers the world over. While Ingress is intended largely for door access solutions.

EpiCamera - A New Facelift for a New Phase

If you are a long time user of EpiCamera, you might notice the new look on the website. Let’s just say that it has been a long time coming and a fresh new look makes everyone happy.

G L O B A L   N E W S
Baghdad Oil Training Institute (BOTI) Installs FingerTec Face Devices for Access Control and Time Attendance Management
Nile Air Chooses Kadex for Access Management
 Dominican Republic
Francisco Medina Keeps Apartment Residents Safe with FingerTec in Dominican Republic
Fu Chan F&B Group Finds FingerTec Face Biometrics System More Than Satisfactory
QL Agroventures Sdn Bhd Chooses the R3 and TA500 for Its New Office and Factory
O F F I C I A L   B L O G
FingerTec Answers 8 Weird Questions!
After more than a decade of traveling the world dealing with marketing biometrics technology, FingerTec team has been bombarded with a bunch of funny yet weird questions coming from various people from all around the world.
Scheduling in Workforce Made Easy by TimeTec
Workforce scheduling is a complex process of assigning working hours to the workforce. Different industries have different processes and the complexity varies.
Where work, play, and social values come together
FingerTec is Feeling the Rhythm with 24 Festive Drums
T E C H N I C A L   T I P S
Configure Roster for Ramadhan
Exporting Attendance Data in Ingress for Better Data Management
Connect FingerTec Terminal to TimeTec Easily Using Webserver IP and Port Number
Get Installation Wiring Diagram and Settings for R3 and R2c Pairing
Ingress Report Scheduler Delivers Reports Automatically to Your Email
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