by Ms. Norana Johar, Chief Operating Officer, FingerTec Worldwide |
When people start to time, the value (of time) tends to multiply. Time IS money, and whoever begs to differ is definitely living in a bubble. Everybody has 24 hours a day and how a person makes use of it determines the quality of the day spent. In fact, time is so valuable; it’s irreplaceable. Over time, people have discovered the significance of time and consequently, employers have started calculating time and of course, the lack of it. Each hour is converted into price tag - each minute counts. KPIs are given a timeline and deadline. Eventually, employers earn money from employees who have spent their time well and lose money through employees who are lax. Students lose opportunities when time flies by them, disregarded. Parents lose money through children who do not see respect for time. Factories lose productivity from laborers that don’t turn up on time. To put it simply, time has unlimited potential when being used optimally. |
Hence, more and more industries are looking into effective time and attendance systems to manage their resources’ time effectively. The time attendance system is not only meant for employers to track time of their employees, it also serves to make it more difficult for employers to cheat staff out of their wages. The time attendance system should be available to provide a win-win situation for both parties. FingerTec is a biometrics system that tracks time, multiplies its value and gives quantitative quality for performance measurability. Advantages of FingerTec systems are enormous as compared to other conventional time clocking system i.e. punch card and proximity card. No other system could validate that a person is clocking under his own identity like biometric system could. The industry’s terms FAR (False Acceptance Rate) and FRR (False Rejection Rate) refer to errors of the terminals in verifying the identity of the users, both showing a very low percentage for a biometrics system involving fingerprints. Nobody could pretend he is someone else and vice versa, hence eliminating the card-swapping problem totally. |
FingerTec biometrics system introduces a token-less system that does not require a person to carry any cards/keys for activities in the terminals. This translates to lower cost and convenience at its very best. Settings of the terminals are made simple, optimizing the use of the biometrics terminals to smoothen the flow of operations i.e. entering two-digit work code to notify your activities for example 02 – meeting clients outside and 03- having a conference. Apart from that, employer could connect the terminal to receipt printer for workers to have proof of their attendance from the terminal. The availability of time clocking data through a comprehensive application like TCMS V2 helps automates data management significantly, reducing the amount of time required to analyze the data, to produce presentable reports, and also to give a possibility of linkage to a useful third party software e.g. payroll.
The application of FingerTec time attendance system is suitable for various industries from labor-intensive job market to more flexible-hour professional human resources that are common in advanced countries. A garment factory in the heart of Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka have been using FingerTec time attendance machines to track attendance of thousands of their staff daily; the system is able to verify that employees are paid according to their productivity. Some financial institutions in Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, for example, are using FingerTec time attendance to monitor their staff’s attendance for improved efficiency. Schools in Dubai deploy FingerTec time attendance system to monitor the flow of students in schools’ infrastructures, to track attendance of teachers and administrator staff, and the same systems is being implemented in a school in Poland and in the London School of Economics to track students’ whereabouts. A municipality in Cape Town, South Africa deploys FingerTec time attendance without much hassle to achieve the goal to improve the time management of human resources that are in scattered locations. FingerTec terminals are being used also in the fast food industry that has a huge number of permanent staff as well as temporary staff who are working on hourly rate and to deal with the high staff turnover annually. |
Basically, FingerTec time attendance system has vast potential, as users could tailor the system to suit to their specific requirements. A small and medium company such as a retail store would find a simple TA300 sufficient to cater to a few employees while a multi national company would require multiple terminals with the ability to centralize their employees’ time data in the headquarters’ server as an answer for their vast human resource quandary. FingerTec time attendance system allows a mix and match of terminals working under one system in order to optimize ROI in business. A time management software is the integral part of the entire system and the TCMS V2 offers a lot of possibilities for a company in terms of connectivity and data comprehensiveness. |
The business of time attendance was available since the 18th century with the conventional time card with the aim of knowing the time employees started and finished their work. Fast forward two centuries, the business of time attendance has become sophisticated with biometrics technology and automated with the availability of time control management software to cater to the enormous size of today’s human resources. And with the ever-growing workforce and the fast pace of the business world today, the business of time has become more relevant than before. Being an international brand that has been in the global market for more than 10 years, FingerTec time attendance has improved the way time is perceived and calculated. A small step for technology, a huge step for mankind.