To subscribe our newsletter, please click here. Vol: 01 Year: 2011 Published: 5 January 2011

Global News
FingerTec Goes to Law School!
If you happen to be studying in the National School of Judiciary in the Dominican Republic, then the fact that access to the school is controlled by FingerTec devices will come as no surprise to you. From October 2010 onwards, all students and staff of the school have to verify their fingerprint at one of the 18 units of FingerTec R2 installed in the school by one of our partners, E. Threan & Cia.
FingerTec in USA Shares Their Trade Recipe
From its inception in 2000 FingerTec has gained widespread recognition with good reason. People around the globe have come to trust FingerTec for their state of the art technology & service. Their outstanding tech support and prompt response to just about any question that may arise are some of the reasons that have made FingerTec world renowned. That is, however, with the exception of the US.
FingerTec in Pakistan Ups Their Game
Our newly acquired partner in Pakistan, AppleWood, has been shining through its effort of becoming an active reseller in their nation. On 11th December 2010, AppleWood attended International Security Conference 2010 held at Sheraton Hotel, Karachi which was attended by many Security Heads of Multinationals and Government Security Agencies.
Accomix Malaysia Begins to Stand Out With FingerTec
Accomix, one of our Malaysia resellers, is taking their sales to another level with installations of FingerTec products in the confectionary industry, transportation industry and more. Accomix, which is a combinations of two companies, Accomix IT Sdn. Bhd and Accomix Control Sdn Bhd is an IT and Security Control consultant as well as a certified dealer of leading brands such as TMnet Streamys and FingerTec, with a vision of being the leading solution providers in their industry.
World Connection Employs Only the Best for FingerTec
World Connection, our FingerTec partner situated in Qatar, is ready to take on the new year, and with a defined plan at that! World Connection began with FingerTec just over a year ago, as a dealer in Doha, Qatar, and has been seeing success and growth ever since. With the new year ahead, World Connection plans to pick its FingerTec resellers more carefully, only granting resellership to stores which meet the following criteria.

Stay Connected with FingerTec

FingerTec News
Introducing FingerTec's New COO!
FingerTec is proud to announce its new Chief Operating Officer (COO) who is none other than Ms. Norana Johar!
We Promise To Attend to Your Emails within 12 Hours
One thing we can never take for granted is our clients and the best way to serve our clients is to be there for them in a time of need.
Start Your Day with Assurance
Sound familiar? This was the tagline submitted by our grand prize winner of the FingerTec Tagline Contest 2010, Abbas Mukadam of the UAE.
Marketing Material's Big Bang
So as we wave goodbye to year 2010, we welcome the new year with new hopes, new plans, and new business strategies.
Factsheets Market FingerTec More Effectively!
Use our various factsheets available to market products more effectively. We highlight special features and benefits of each product for easy communication and marketing

  Amplify Your R&D and Be Surprised!
"The spirit of R&D should be cultivated at all levels in a company."
  Traveling Mind
by Teh Hon Seng
CEO/Managing Director
  Simplicity is the essence of beauty
"Being simple does not mean we neglect attention to details."
  I'm Verified
by Norana Johar

Application Series
FingerTec Data Processor & 3rd Party Software (Payroll, HR system)

The FingerTec Data Processor (FTDP) is a basic software designed to interact with all FingerTec terminals. The FTDP was developed to help ease the system integrator or software developer’s job of fully integrating their FingerTec terminals with their company’s existing systems.

Technical Tips
Changing the Algorithm in FingerTec terminals
TCMS V2.2.013 Software Updates

Christmas Bowling Night 2010

Previous Issues
Dec 2010
Nov 2010
Oct 2010

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