Antipassback Feature in FingerTec® Fingerprint Readers

Tailgating is a term used to describe when one user enters a zone, and several people follow him inside a zone without verification. Antipassback feature can be implemented in FingerTec® readers to help alleviate tailgating problem; by tracking the location of a particular user whether he is inside or outside a secured area.

When antipassback feature is being used, a user must be verified at a designated “IN” FingerTec® reader, followed by a verification at a designated “OUT” FingerTec® reader, before it can be used to read “IN” again. In an event where a user is not verified at an “IN” reader, and he leaves the zone, an anti-passback violation occurs.

The violation may just log the event to not allow the door to be released even when the verification is successful. Thus, users who fail to verify their identities and walk in without getting verified may get stranded or locked in.

Installations of FingerTec® readers on each side of the door are required for implementation of antipassback feature.

Models of FingerTec® readers which can support antipassback feature
Antipassback is activated when there is a combination of 2 readers, which consist of a host and a client. The host reader is always equipped with Wiegand any-bits input; while the client reader must be equipped with Wiegand any-bits output. There are 5 models of FingerTec® readers that support this feature. The third party controller that is having Wiegand any-bits output, such as card reader, password reader etc, can be implemented into this system.
Model Host Client
M2 Yes Yes
R2 Yes Yes
AC900 No Yes
AC800Plus No Yes
AC800Plus MC No Yes
Kadex Yes Yes
Connections and configurations of the system
The host and the client readers are communicating via Wiegand any-bits and receiving power supply from AdapTec AC. However, only Host unit is linked to an AdapTec AC while client unit is only receiving power from the host unit.
The FingerTec® readers are upgraded via firmware to enable antipassback feature. After enabled, you will need to do the following settings in the affected reader(s).
Reader ID
To locate Host and Client readers
There are 2 installation scenarios. Each scenario provides different effects to users.
Scenario 1
Block to Enter (Host unit is outside the door)

Under this scenario, antipassback violation will take effect if a user left the room without any verification at the client reader and the user will not be allowed entry again into the zone.

This scenario requires every user to verify at the Host reader to enter the zone. Failure to do so will cause users to be barred from entering into the zone again.

This scenario is ideal to control staff movement, disallow them to leave the office without any notification.



Scenario 2
Block to Exit (Host Unit is inside the door)

Under this scenario, antipassback violation will take effect if a user did not verify at the client reader to enter into the zone and therefore, even though he is verified at the Host reader, he will not allowed to leave the zone.

This scenario forces every user to verify at the client reader before they could enter the zone. Therefore, all of their enter times will be captured and failure to do so would cause the user to be barred from leaving the zone.

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