
The latest version of TCMS V2 or known as TCMS V2.2 is now launched. The new version is running on Visual FoxPro 9 database for an improved speed and larger database capacity. The new version comes with an improved user interface for a fresher look and feel to this powerful time attendance and access control software. To experience the new TCMS with outstanding enhancements and new features, upgrade your TCMS copy now!

Differences Between TCMS v2.1.2 and New Version TCMS v2.2


TCMS v2.1.2

TCMS v2.2

Database Management

Visual FoxPro 6 has a few disadvantages, which Visual FoxPro 9 has overcome.

Visual FoxPro 9 has a larger database to support data storage and it speeds up processing time during “generate process”.


Support 16 different languages


User Management

Support user ID with 5 digits from 00001 to 99999.


Administrator needs to hold down the CTRL button on keyboard before selecting any user ID for operation. The selection will be lost once the CTRL button is released either accidently or purposely.

Support user ID with 9 digits from 000000001 to 999999999.


Provide a selection box for administrator to “check” any desired user ID for operation. No more CTRL button is required for this operation.

Time Attendance Features

Support normal working hours, overnight working hours, flexible working hours, rotating working shift, multiple working shift, open working shift.


Able to calculate working time, OT, Different OT, short time.

New calculation is available where OT will only be calculated if the total working time is exceeding a predefined time per week (or per month).

Clocking schedule 0 to 8 is used to support weekly working shift.

Clocking schedule is from 0 to 999. Administrator can define the types of schedule (weekly, daily or flexible). Unlike the previous version, which only supports a total of 36 different working schedules, the new version can support up to 1000 different working schedules.

Clocking schedule 9 is especially for flexible working shift.


Clocking schedule a to z are used to support daily working shift.

Door Access Control Features

Allow configuration of 50 time zone sets (Monday to Sunday in a week), and 50 group time zone sets to control users’ accessibilities.

Allow to configure different verification method for users (in group or individual users). Different group of users is using different verification method (fingerprint only, fingerprint with cards etc) to open a door.

Upgraded with better user interface for easy understanding and handling.

Pictures and Photo Download-Upload to color screen models.

Required optional tool to upload pictures to terminals only, but not to download pictures from terminals. The pictures are used as wallpapers and screen savers in terminals.

Do not able to upload any user photo to terminals.

Upgraded with a new page, where an Administrator can download-upload pictures from terminals.

Administrator can download upload user photos to terminals, after verification is done.

(this feature is only available on color models with FEM 510 core board or above).

Data Download

Automatic or Manual Download


Data exporting

Automatic raw clocking data exportatiob during download process.



To arrange attendance data into corresponding format and to export into different file format (.TXT, .XLS or ODBC) for payroll or 3 rd party software.



To provide 18 types of time attendance reports and 4 types of access control reports for evaluation.


User Interface

Simple interface without any design

Newly design wallpaper and easy to understand icons

Software Upgrade

Free Life-Time upgrade



To Upgrade To New TCMS v2.2:

Method 1 – Online Upgrade

  • Connect a PC which has been installed with TCMS v2 to the Internet.
  • Click the Globe icon on TCMS v2 to connect to TCMS v2 online server.
  • Follow the onscreen instructions to upgrade
  • Restart the software to experience the new version.

Method 2 – New Installation.

  • In the old version, do “backup database”
  • Save the database file in a safe location in your PC.
  • Download the installation from > Download > Software > TCMS v2.2 (or click to access directly). For FingerTec® resellers, you can download it from > Download > Software > TCMS v2.2.
  • Install the new version into a PC.
  • Run the new version and restore with the backup database.
  • All information will be restored to the new software.
  • Run the new version to feel the difference.

Please refer to the new user manual for TCMS v2.2 when using the new version.

You can download the new user manual from > Product Manual > Software User Guide > TCMS v2.2 (new version).

For FingerTec® resellers, download the new user manual from > Product Manual > Software User Guide > TCMS v2.2 (new version)

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