The New Features in FRIS II
FingerTec® has upgraded its FRIS version
from 2.0.1 to FRIS 2.0.2.
3 new features are added in this new release:
  1. To support Microsoft SQL Server
At the early of development, FingerTec® R&D implements MySQL. MySQL is a free database server and applicable in many systems. Due to the market demands and requirement, FingerTec® R&D has successfully upgraded FRIS 2.0.1 to FRIS 2.0.2 to support Microsoft SQL database server. For users that are using MySQL as database server, no upgrading is required, as FRIS 2.0.1 fits the requirements.
  2. Online monitoring process for non-FRIS readers

FRIS 2.0.1 only can download transaction logs from all non-FRIS readers but it can’t get online or “connected” with the rest of non-FRIS readers, therefore monitoring of activities of all non-FRIS readers were not possible. Unlike in the Terminal Data Audit List in TCMS V2 software, the transaction logs are sent to the software straight after every verification and this option allows administrator to monitor user movements within the installation environment.

In the new development of FRIS 2.0.2, this logic has been upgraded. The logic can do what Terminal Data Audit List in TCMS V2 software does.  When user verifies at the non-FRIS readers, the transaction log will be sent to the FRIS 2.0.2 immediately. Administrator will become aware of user movements at every terminal. Under this option, the FRIS 2.0.2 will always be online and “connected” with all terminals to allow administrator to monitor all activities at all non-FRIS readers.
  3. To capture all failed verification results at FRIS readers

In FRIS 2.0.1, the software only stores all successful verification results containing user ID, date-time and FRIS terminal ID information. If user’s verification in FRIS 2.0.1 failed , there would be no records captured which make it difficult for the administrator to trace the identity of those affected.

In FRIS 2.0.2, the software captures and records all successful and failed verification results. Therefore, administrator can always check to view the false records and identify the time period and readers involved. This new feature will definitely ease the work of administrator to check the terminal status or any unauthorized tries at the FRIS readers.

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