FingerTec Features To Business Value:
Why customers appreciate USB data communication?
by Elvis Law

Nowadays, USB thumb drive (Pen drive) has become the most popular mobile storage device that provides sufficient storage with physical dimension even smaller than a door key. Before year 2008, only the advanced models of FingerTec® readers like PLUS series supports USB data transferred interface but this function will become a standard data communication interface in new models like R2, i-Kiosk and even TA100. Here are the reasons why?

On board TCP/IP communication has addressed most of users data communication requirements on time attendance and door access systems. However, it is still a disadvantage in places without well-established communication infrastructure and here is where USB interface fills the gap. USB feature particularly can overcome the following challenges of customer’s requirements:

Mr. Elvis Law - FingerTec Hong Kong
Temporary office:
Apart from offices in standard commercial buildings, a lot of offices, especially those in construction sites are looking for computerized Time attendance and Door Access system. With availability of USB data communication, the customers need not spend an additional large budget to build a network environment to use the system.
Old office:
People are no longer willing to spend additional budget to build or improve the network environment in an old office or building. USB data communication can eliminate the difficulty to deploy FingerTec® system.
Time attendance system for mobile project team:
There are some business operations, which have no fixed office but require computerized attendance system. With this feature, users can use the system without much hassle to send the fingerprint device to the office to conduct data download. The USB thumb drive is sufficient and efficient enough to transfer the data back to the main office.
Extra data security protection required:
Some users worry of the possibility of data corruption during data transmission over WAN. Additional backup data copied to the USB thumb can provide them with the extra security on data protection.
The above situations are just some of the typical deployment challenges,  which can be fixed by USB data communication. The availability of this feature in FingerTec® products fulfill most of communication constraints in different deployment environments. Moreover, the simple operation workflow in TCMS to download the data from USB thumb drive lets users adopt the data download easily without difficulty.
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