Global News (Europe & Africa)  Kenya | 05/02/2016  
Safebox Limited is Protected with Ingressus
ECS Limited has successfully installed biometrics security at Safebox Limited, a company located at the prominent Sameer Business Park, Nairobi Kenya with 4 units of Ingressus IV and 13 units of R2c.

Safebox Limited is a company that focuses on providing smart card technology and securing vital hard copy documentations such as land title deeds, various certificates including school certificates, birth certificates and other valuable documents for depositors in the capital city, Nairobi. Hence, it is crucial for them to place emphasis on the security of its premises. The installations of FingerTec biometric security system in Safebox’s premises reinforce the confidence in their clients knowing that only authorized personnel are given access to the important rooms and that their documentations are safe at the hands of Safebox.

Ingressus IV is a one of the top line in FingerTec’s Ingressus series. It is a controller that supports up to 4-doors for each unit. With Ingressus, users need to verify their identities at the relevant Wiegand terminals or RS485 readers by fingerprint, card, password or any combination during entry and exit. The Ingressus controllers verify users’ identities before granting them access. Transaction records are saved into its inbuilt memory and the records are sent to the software immediately for further processing.
Once multiple Ingressus controllers are set up, they can be centralized via IP or RS485 connection in a computer installed with the bundled Ingress software. Each Ingressus controller works independently at its access point; however the data is centralized from all Ingressus controllers in Ingress software to give a better and complete picture of the environment’s security level. Ingressus IV also is equipped with real-time door status & event-monitoring features that can supervise door opening and door closing activities at all times.

ECS Limited will continue to market the effectiveness of FingerTec biometrics solutions to the Kenyan market more aggressively with Ingressus and FingerTec’s slave readers.

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