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Bagricola Saying ‘Hola’ to FingerTec
By Ms. Fazalina Zamidon , Sales & Marketing Executive, FingerTec Worldwide
The principal office building
Banco Agricolas De La Republica Dominicana (Bagricola) is one of the premier banking institutions in the Dominican Republic itself, being the second bank established in the country. Being in operation since 1945, Bagricola secures the financing of productive activities in the agricultural sector to ensure increased productivity, meet the food demand of the population, as well as modernize production and other export items that support the development of the Dominican Republic’s national agribusiness.
Previously, the banking institution did not have any Access Control or Time Attendance systems employed. After consultation sessions with FingerTec reseller, E. Threan & Cia., Bagricola agreed to install the R2 and R2i together with several units of M-Kadex. With the successful installation, the company has since been applying both the Access Control and Time Attendance function together with the TCMS V2 software that is bundled with FingerTec terminals.
Mr. Johnny of E. Threan & Cia. mentions, “The client, Bagricola, is the national government financial institution assisting the agricultural sector with loan for food production. They entrusted us, E. Threan & Cia., to come up with a wide and up-to-date solution in the area of Electronic Security, Access Control and Time Attendance to be installed in their principal office building.”

After analyzing the client’s needs, E Threan proposed a holistic approach that involved installing an IP Camera System, Alarm System, and FingerTec Access Control and Time Attendance.

Bagricola focuses on the agriculture sector
With the systems up and running, the banking institution now no longer has to fret about manual attendance records or faulty access control systems. With the help of E Threan & Cia., Bagricola is taking a step towards the future simply by saying ‘Hola’ to FingerTec.
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