Fingerprint | Card Access Control And Time Attendance Solutions : FingerTec Worldwide
Global News (Asia & Australasia)  
   Indonesia | 05/12/2016
FingerTec Face ID 4 Greets PT. Majumapan Bangunindo’s Employee Everyday
Located in West Jakarta, Indonesia, PT. Majumapan Bangunindo has been known as a prominent construction company, responsible for various large scale projects involving construction of hotels, hospitals, restaurants and many more. Founded on 17 May 1993, PT. Majumapan Bangunindo is true to its mission to construct buildings that have the best quality within the given time and budget. And the Company has grown far and wide with projects not only in the vicinity but also outside Java, including projects in Manado, Bali, Bengkulu and Riau.
Moving with time, the Company was looking for a system that can automate the handling of their workforce’s attendance effectively. While biometrics technology was their preference, PT. Retailindo Tech, FingerTec’s distributor in Indonesia presented them with a couple of choices, fingerprint and face recognition, to consider. PT. Majumapan Bangunindo settled with FingerTec Face ID 4, a face recognition technology that can scan a face in seconds for attendance. Loaded with 800 face templates, it is more than sufficient for the whole company to utilize Face ID 4. The client prefers the solution because it is modern, contactless and accurate. All the employee needs to do is to look at the camera and they are good to go.
All solutions from FingerTec come bundled with the processing software, TCMS. This has made tracing of all employees’ attendance data simple, accurate and more importantly, the data can be integrated with a 3rd party payroll software to ease payroll processing. After 23 years of operation, the company’s daily procedure can’t be bogged down by mediocrity; hence the deployment of FingerTec Face ID 4 is one of the ways the company projects its eagerness to change for the better future.

This installation is yet another success story by PT Retailindo of Indonesia that have installed thousands of FingerTec units across the nation for time attendance as well as door access biometrics solutions. PT Retailindo is located in Jakarta and they can be consulted if you have any requirements on FingerTec solutions and TimeTec cloud software. Contact us at to know how our solutions can help you better your business’s operation.

Beyond Biometrics