B e y o n d   B i o m e t r i c s     FREE SUBSCRIPTION         Vol: Dec '15
TimeTec TA SDK is Now Available
The SDK provides a Web service Application Programming Interface (API), enabling third party application developers to integrate their solution with TimeTec TA.
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F I N G E R T E C   N E W S
First FingerTec Scholarship Program Recipient Mr. Nicholas Khooi Up Close and Personal

Khooi Xin Zhe, nicknamed Nicholas, is the first recipient of the minted FingerTec Scholarship Program newly introduced early this year with the objective to provide financial aids.

TCMS V3 Time Attendance Made Simpler on Microsoft Access

Very soon, TimeTec Computing will be introducing TCMS V3, time attendance system with all the amazing features of TCMS V2 and more.

Anti-Passback in Ingressus Enhanced

Any system, no matter what it is intended for, can always be compromised or misused. We at FingerTec strive to offer the best and secure systems.

TimeTec Staged at HR Summit & Expo 2015 in Dubai

From 16th until 20th November 2015, TimeTec team showcased TimeTec TA to HR professionals from the Middle East and North African countries at the HR Summit & Expo 2015 in Dubai, held at the Sheikh Maktoum Hall, World Trade Centre.

i-Neighbour Commercial is Live on YouTube!

Neighbourhood visitor management system to control visitors’ access to any neighborhood. Connect to any device for visit preregistration, and get the data of your visitors ahead of time, separating the good ones from the shady characters.

G L O B A L   N E W S
 Saudi Arabia
Najran University Enrolls with FingerTec
TimeTec TA Sets Sail with White Line Shipping Company
FingerTec Catches the Eyes of Those at the 5th Civil Defence Exhibition & Conference
Peruvian HR Company Seeks FingerTec for Employee Management
FingerTec Works Out at Royal Nick Hotel
O F F I C I A L   B L O G
Behind Every Great Hardware.. There’s An Equally Great Software
No matter how posh the car is, at the end of the day it’s the engine’s capability that speaks volumes.
TimeTec TA Mobile Facelift Comes With More Exciting Functions
With TimeTec Mobile, clocking activities can be done from anywhere and you can have geolocation tag to confirm the whereabouts during those clocking activities from your mobile.
Where work, play, and social values come together
Engineering Fiesta 2016 TimeTec Computing In Support of Education
T E C H N I C A L   T I P S
Backup/Restore Ingress Database Using 3rd Party MySQL Manager Tool
Login Issue After Updating to Ingress v3.0.4 from an Older Ingress Version
Ingress Software – Reports for Job Costing Function
TimeTec TA New Feature: Notification for Announcement and Attendance
Free 2015 Webinar Sessions
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