As a university of high standards, technology is vital to be invested and BUY has certainly looked into improving time attendance and access control. The university has been studying several biometric brands and have ultimately settled on implementing FingerTec terminals within the university. Seeking for further information, BUY contacted FingerTec reseller, Exceed Technology, who happily convinced the university to deploy TA200 Plus, R2 and i-Kiosk 100 Plus. TA200 Plus was suggested by Exceed Technology as a way to record attendance electronically for the university’s students while both R2 and i-Kiosk 100 Plus would be deployed in the administrative offices and server room. In addition, the terminals will be used to notify students of an important event, a change in exam halls, a close deadline of an assignment or any other event, including being integrated with the library’s system in order to remind students to return borrowed books according to the allowed period. |