Lithuanian School System by SS Solutions |
( by Mr. Markas Dubianskis, Director, SS Solutions UAB ) |
With the rise in crime rate around the world, it is vital that parents are able to monitor their children even through the hectic schedule of their daily working lives. SS Solutions, FingerTec’s reseller in Lithuania, takes this notion to heart with their innovation of a system called the Saugi Mokykla (SOMA) which is Lithuanian for Safe School system. |
The hardware? FingerTec Kadex RFID / R2 system installed and integrated into turnstiles barriers. These barriers are placed at the main entrances of schools to limit access to only staff and students who have an enrolled RFID card / fingerprint in the system. As for the software section, SS Solutions used FingerTec BioBridge Software Development Kit (SDK) and developed their own web-based software specifically for this school system. They collected and referenced FingerTec’s many application series newsletter articles and built their software flow accordingly. The software produced by SS Solutions can produce three types of reports for student’s attendance which are: Participation in lessons (attendance), Lateness into lessons (Late-IN), and Absence from lessons, which can be accessed by parents once they log on to the web-based database which contains real-time uploading of student records - a similar functionality to FingerTec’s web-based software, TimeTec. |
SOMA was created for the focused target of schools, and has been installed in three Lithuanian schools so far: |
• KaunoTado Ivanauskas School • Šeškinė High School • Grigiškės Light Gymnasium School
Parents will receive an automated SMS or email generated by SOMA if their child is late or absent in school. At the same time, considerations are made for latecomers and absentees, where parents can notify the school that their child would be late to school, or will be absent with the parents knowledge. This school system developed by SS Solutions have gained a lot of approving remarks and feedback from parents, teachers, and school management alike, as the system has benefits such as: |
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Unauthorized persons will not be able to get to school without proper authorization; |
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Both parents and teachers will be able to see whether the student is in school, even if he did not come to the lesson; |
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Availability of information about all the people currently in the building, which is particularly relevant and valuable in an event of an unexpected incident, e.g. fire. |
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Students will have fewer opportunities to leave unnoticed, and it will therefore reduce absenteeism; |
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Parents will be informed whether or not their child at school, or had time to classes, or left the school during the day. |
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• Parents can be assured their children's safety while they are in school. |
Now, parents can relax in peace knowing the movement of their child while they are at school. In the future, the company expects to expand the system to include other school functionalities such as a key systems which enroll the students to their relevant classes, a cafeteria system with accounts for the students (and staff) daily dining and integrated with school fees, a library membership system, and an automated school locker system to create a well-rounded and holistic school system. |