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FingerTec in the Security Expo North Africa
by Ms. Tamy Phoon, International Sales & Marketing Manager, FingerTec Worldwide
The team from MultiCom that helped promote FingerTec.

Security Expo North Africa is an exhibition for showcasing the development of the security services and the progress in the security technology. The exhibition helps visitors to gain knowledge about the advanced security technology and equipment and also includes foreign experts of international and workshops as sidelines of the exhibition that helps draw customers and suppliers or system providers much closer.

This debut event was held on the 13th – 16th June 2012 in the Kram Expo Center in Tunisia, and FingerTec’s partner in the country, MultiCom, grabbed this opportunity to participate in the event and showcase all their available products and services offered.

Playing it big, MultiCom displayed FingerTec models of R2, Face ID 2, Kadex, and H2i, all uniquely different models from each other, complete with illustrations on how a FingerTec system should be installed. Many visitors dropped by the booth to have a look at the biometric devices, as well as other security items such as CCTV, and alarm systems offered by MultiCom.

The show was a success for MultiCom, gaining them exposure in the Tunisian market for their products, services and after sales support that they offer. With the response received from the Security Expo, MultiCom would definitely be taking part in the next event put together by the organizers.

MultiCom is a company integrating services and import. A leader in the distribution of security products, MultiCom has a network of strong customers, exclusive wholesalers, retailers, and installers. Their resources include a showroom with various products and solutions and a vocational training center, where they conduct seminars and workshops for the benefit of our customers.

FingerTec terminals received a lot of interest
and curious looks.
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