Application Series
Triggering a Duress Alarm in Subtlety
by Mr. Vincent Chan, Technical Support, FingerTec Worldwide

Crime in Malaysia have soared to an alarming rate in the past 3 months. These violent crimes are getting rampant and victims are being targeted even in the shopping mall car park. While crime fighting is the responsibility of the authorities, it is essential for the member of the public to play an important role in protecting themselves as well as their properties. Self-protective measures such as installation of security devices and systems can be taken to hinder crime from happening

Technology in the hands of competent security personnel can reduce crime, minimize financial and material losses and also keep the people safe. At FingerTec Worldwide, we have acknowledged and heavily invested in security technology with the intention of providing a safer environment for our customers. Access control systems help in security implementation and manage the people and vehicle’s access rights to enter buildings, lifts, car parks, gated area and etc. It is essential that the employees and their possessions are secured and protected in the workplace so that they can work with a real sense of security and peace of mind. Our access control system which utilizes the biometrics technology which is superior over the password or card access system.
Say that during a robbery situation, one of the criminals force your staff to verify at the access control system to unlock the door. While there’s almost nothing that a person can do under force and threat, FingerTec access control devices has just the feature for such situations.
FingerTec access control terminals are equipped with a duress function which you can use to trigger the alarm system in the event of any emergency incident. You can select the duress verification type which is either by fingerprint or password.
Enroll a specific finger, or set a specific password that is only to be used or verified during an emergency. You can then use the enrolled duress finger or password to trigger the security alarm system, alarm bell or alarm light when needed to. If connected to an alarm bell, the bell will only go off after a while of the duress verification, so that it is not obvious to others which person triggered the alarm, thus not appearing hostile to the robbers or criminals.
By triggering the security alarm system, its emergency protocol feature will send the distress signal to alert the authorities. The alarm bell is used to alert the users and its surroundings but it is not always effective when it comes to intrusion alert. Depending on the crime being committed itself, the alarm bell functions more as a panic factor, shocking the criminal into making a vital mistake, drastic errors or abandoning further plans.
So with the duress option in FingerTec access control devices, it is easy to subtly inform the authorities that you are in danger, while keeping a low profile during the situation.
Click here for more information regarding security and access control.
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