( by Henry Pang, Product Development Manager )
Kindly ignore this document if you do installations in these scenarios:
a. Installation in a same environment involving TA100C, TA100TC, Face ID 2 or mix-match of these 3 models.
b. Installation of Face ID 2 and other FingerTec® models in the same environment, but you are only using Face ID 2 to verify face and not using the fingerprint feature.
BioBridge VX 10.0 is the latest technology from FingerTec® R&D team. This new algorithm has already been loaded into Face ID 2, TA100C and TA100TC. This algorithm speeds up the fingerprint verification process of the terminal and it maximizes the fingerprint templates capacity to 12,000 for Face ID 2 or any model with FEM 600 core board only.

However the fingerprint templates from algorithm BioBridge VX 10.0 cannot be mixed and matched with fingerprint templates from algorithm BioBridge VX9.0. Templates derived from BioBridge VX9.0 would prompt error during verification if they were uploaded to the terminal with BioBridge VX 10.0, or vice versa.

If you installing terminals that are having both versions of the algorithm, BioBridge VX 9.0 and BioBridge VX10.0 in the same environment, please downgrade the algorithm version of your TA100C or Face ID to VX 9.0. This is important to ensure that all terminals support the same format of fingerprint templates to avoid verification errors.

Step 1
Double click to run the FTFingerVerUpdate.exe
Step 2
Insert IP address of the terminal ---> Select model, either TA100C or Face ID 2 ---> Select “FTFinger v9.0” ---> Click Connect.
Step 3
The tool would read information from the connected terminal. Click Update to start changing to FTFinger v9.0.
Step 4
Click Restart to restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.
Click here to download the firmware
Any comments or feedbacks please email to editorial@fingertec.com
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