Fingerprint Remote Identification Server or FRIS is a well designed server application intended for clients with large user capacity requirements and we are talking about more than what individual FingerTec terminals could contain. FRIS server is a giant-size online verification server designed to receive fingerprint templates from FingerTec terminals for verification. The limit of FRIS’s user capacity is dependant upon the server’s hard drive capacity. When using FRIS, FingerTec terminals become fingerprint capturing stations only to prompt users with result(s) of verification while the server acts as the fingerprint matching station.
All transaction logs from the FingerTec terminals are stored in an database server (MySQL or MSSQL) for software developers or system integrators to utilize the database server to work with their application development. By using FRIS, software developers can develop their application without using BioBridge SDK; instead they can gather all transaction logs from the database server, and use their software to process data be it for time attendance calculations reports, payroll, or HR evaluation. System integrators can upgrade the system without having to use the BioBridge SDK, as they can gather information from the database server for integration with their current solution. In the case where an online verification is not required, fingerprint templates can be stored in each terminal. FRIS server then becomes a main control station, which transfers users to all terminals and downloads transaction logs from all terminals. The same storing mechanism applies in FRIS where the transaction logs are stored in the database server for software developers or system integrators to utilize. Software developers or system integrators can run the FRIS server to control all FingerTec terminals without
having to develop a new application using BioBridge SDK |